Embrace Islamic Society organizes numerous spiritual, social and educational activities that bring people of diverse muslim and non-muslim backgrounds together.
Our mission is to serve the religious needs of the local Turkish-Canadian Muslims and Muslims with other backgrounds. In order to accomplish our mission, we strive to:
- help Muslims increase their knowledge and understanding of Islam
- offer resources for those who are interested in learning about Islam
- support intra and interfaith dialogue among various faith groups
To this end, the Embrace Islamic Society sponsors and organizes a number of events & projects during the year under the 4 major platforms including ;

- Eid Community Picniks
- Muslim Heritage Month Celebration
- Interfaith & Intra-faith Dinners
- Eid Harmony Dinners
- Winter Retreat Programs
- Family Social Nights
- Ramadan Iftar Dinners

- Quran Studies & Weekend School
- Homeschooling Project

- Lectures & Talk series & Round Table Discussions

- Chaplaincy Services
- Halaqas for Sisters & Brothers
- Social projects